Our Programs

Building Stronger Communities Through Shared Engagement.

Tree Memorial

Add to the beauty of your favorite park with the help of the Monroe County Park Foundation’s tree memorial program. Memorial trees are a great way to honor a loved one and also help the environment. The Memorial Tree package includes one tree, a 4” x 6” heavy laminated plaque, and maintenance of the tree after it is planted. 

Monroe County Parks and Recreation provides maintenance for the lifetime of the tree and will replace the tree if it dies or is damaged within one year of planting. Plaques are also warranted for one year against theft or damages.

Bench Memorial

Memorial benches are another way to memorialize a loved one and also enhance the aesthetics of the Monroe County Park system. The Memorial Bench package includes one bench, plaque, concrete, and maintenance of the bench after it is installed. Monroe County Parks and Recreation provides maintenance for the lifetime of the bench and warrants the bench for one year against theft or damages. Plaques are also warranted for one year against theft or damages.

Bug Fest

The Monroe County Parks Foundation has been a proud supporter of Bug Fest since 2010. Bug Fest is an annual event coordinated collaboratively between Monroe County Parks and Recreation, Bloomington Parks and Recreation, Purdue University - Monroe County Extension, and WonderLab. The mission of Bug Fest is to educate the public about insect and spider biology, and features live insect displays, crafts, games, storytelling, a flea circus, and information tables on a variety of subjects

Scholarship Fund

The Monroe County Park Foundation supports the community by providing scholarship assistance for individuals both young and old to participate in programs offered by Monroe County Parks and Recreation. The scholarship fund has help community members participate in the following services and programs:

  • Karst Day Camp

  • After school sports

  • Senior Day Trips

  • Pick-up soccer league

  • Organic Community Garden membership

  • Karst Dog Park membership

Your gift can continue to help the Monroe County Parks Foundation provide community members with the opportunity to participate is these programs.

Learn more about our scholarships.